Sunday 29 March 2015

Poobian Foreign Policy

Over the past week your humbled and sometimes inebriated monarch has devised a foreign policy in which it is hoped the Kingdom of Pooba will spread its wings amongst the communities of the world.

I have often muttered the question: ‘But what is Poobian foreign policy?’ In essence, what should be the aim of Poobians on this planet: to conquer, to cajole, or to care? As such, I believe it is fitting to lay out such a plan to the people on the close of our first month of existence in a few simple steps:

  1. To become an established member of the micronational community.
The micronational world is a large and diverse one, and it appears that there are many friends to make amongst its vast terrain. Already the Kingdom of Pooba has had the pleasure of some very good advice, but it is time to take such relationships a step further with official treaties of recognition and goodwill.

  1. Build alliances with micronations who share the Poobian vision.
As many deluded scheming rulers, I had the fancy of constructing a powerful organisation between like-minded nations. However, it appears that this road has been travelled many times before with minimal gold at the end of the rainbow. As such, Pooba will take a different tact: the creation of alliances between the few nations who share its goals and values, as well as the application of joining existing organisations. The G.U.M. offers much hope in this direction – the Kingdom of Pooba will soon send off an application to join.

  1. Build relationships with those in the macro world.
Landlocked as we are in within the English city of Plymouth, it is up to Pooba to establish relationships with those around us in the macro world. Of course, this king is not completely insane in believing that the mayor of the city, or local MPs will come around for tea and cucumber sandwiches at any point in the near future. However, doors must be knocked for the voice of Pooba to be heard!

  1. The annexation of new territory.
The Kingdom of Pooba does not want to confine itself to one house: it wants and desires more territory. After the upcoming election I shall meet with my ministry and discuss our military might and expectations of new land.

Three simple steps, but with much work to do! It is down to Poobians to grow and thrive in order to survive, especially if we intend on existing a further month down the line.

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